How do you get rid of mushrooms in lawns and gardens?
Have you noticed that mushrooms appear in your garden? This can be a headache, especially after all the work you've put into having a beautiful lawn and garden. Mushrooms not only look bad, but they can also pose a threat to children and pets who have access to the garden. In addition, they can attract flies and other insects, which also bring bad odors and can be problematic for your plants. In this article, we tell you how to get rid of fungi in the lawn and backyard of your house.
Why do mushrooms grow on lawns?
Moisture is the main enemy of all gardens. In fact, high temperatures result in an unbearable level of humidity, especially in the city. That is why in most gardens you can find fungi and mold, ready to attack the grass, plants and flowers. These are enemies that should not be underestimated, as they involve the risk of having to renew the entire lawn.
How do mushrooms spread?
Mushrooms spread through spores, which are miniature reproductive cells that are released by the fungus and carried by the wind. They land and start new colonies of fungi. Mushrooms create their own wind to help spread their spores and allow their moisture to evaporate, creating a cool atmosphere and hot water vapor around the fungus.
This gives the spores enough momentum to spread. Consequently, the natural breeze from the mushrooms can carry the spores up to four inches up and out. In addition, in times of drought or stress, the spores can hibernate and wait for the conditions to be right to start developing new fungi.
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Are lawn mushrooms dangerous?
Have you ever wondered if lawn mushrooms are poisonous? It is very common to find mushrooms on the lawn during the temperate and humid season. However, you don't have to worry too much about it.
Lawn mushrooms are generally not poisonous to humans, but as a precaution, it is wise not to attempt to consume them unless you are 100% sure you can accurately identify them. It is also important to note that pets and humans have different metabolisms and digestive systems. Therefore, an edible mushroom for people can be dangerous for pets and vice versa.
How do lawn mushrooms affect my yard?
Although they are annoying to eliminate, the presence of fungi or poisonous mushrooms does not always cause irreversible damage to the soil or surrounding plants. The biggest problem that fungi usually cause is that your plantations or crops get sick and lose their appearance or characteristics.
The most common fungi that appear in gardens are usually non-toxic edible mushrooms or mushrooms, such as thistle fungi (Pleurotus eryngii) or Matacandil (Coprinus comatus). However, foliar fungi usually cause alterations in the leaves of the plants, although they can also affect the shoots, the youngest branches and the flowers.
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What conditions do lawn mushrooms prefer?
Mushrooms generally thrive in damp, dark environments, where there is a large amount of decomposing rich material. However, it is important not to confuse lawn mushrooms with the types of mushrooms you eat, as some of them can be deadly or disgusting at best. You may not know it, but mushrooms are an organism that lacks chlorophyll, so they cannot be considered a plant.
5 tips to get rid of mushrooms in your lawn
There are many ways to get rid of mushrooms in your yard. You can try any method that suits your lifestyle and budget, or you can try a combination of methods to get rid of them in the fastest and most efficient way. Although they can be considered beautiful, it is important to eliminate mushrooms that may come into contact with people or pets for safety reasons.
1. Fungicide
There are several garden fungicides that are available to buy, and they can be used to treat your lawn or garden. These should be used with care in backyards where children and pets play. You can also buy sprinkler accessories that fit your garden hose to spray the affected area. Alternatively, you can dilute the product with water and use a pump spray.
Over time, you need to check if the fungus goes away. This may not be a permanent solution, which means you need to take extra steps to protect your garden if the fungus reappears. Collect and dispose of all observable fungi so they don't spread spores, and wash areas of your lawn with decaying material that can cause mushroom growth.
2. Vinegar
A natural way to remove the fungus from your lawn is to use vinegar. Commercial vinegar is usually too dilute to do this, so you need to find garden vinegar which is usually very effective. Make sure to follow the instructions on the bottle to dilute the garden vinegar to a suitable concentration. You can put it in a spray bottle for convenient use.
It is highly recommended that you wear protective glasses and gloves, because this type of vinegar can burn or damage your skin. Simply spraying the mushrooms with a vinegar solution will kill them. If you do this without much precision, you can kill the surrounding plants, so spray with caution.
3. Sodium bicarbonate
If you are looking for a gentler method of removing mold, consider using baking soda. Baking soda is not a fungicide, but it will help alleviate this problem by increasing the pH of the soil, which encourages fungal growth. It should be noted that it is not a permanent solution, but it is gentle, safe and powerful.
You should mix two tablespoons of baking soda per liter of water and stir until completely dissolved. Sprinkle the mixture over the mushrooms and surrounding soil. Over time, this will slow growth and even kill fungi.
Alternatively, you can also sprinkle baking soda directly on the mushrooms and soil and water them. You may want to repeat this technique regularly to see results, but it is safe and inexpensive for children and pets to use. Be aware that any substantial change in the soil pH can inhibit the growth of other nearby crops.
4. Remove decaying organic matter
To avoid the development of mushrooms, you must be very meticulous and eliminate any problem that may attract the mushrooms in the first place. This means raking the leaves in the fall and harvesting the cuttings if you cut the garden.
Leaving grass clippings on your lawn can be beneficial to your garden, so you don't have to remove all of them, but you have to find the right balance because otherwise you're just inviting the mushrooms to relocate. Also, be sure to remove any domestic or wild animal droppings that you may see on your lawn. Replacing older compost will also help stop fungi.
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5. Dig in the yard and then sow
If all other methods fail and you decide to take extreme measures for your lawn diseases, you can simply dig the entire mushroom-affected area, clean up the contaminated dirt, fill the hole, re-seed, and start over.
Need help with lawn maintenance?
The best way to prevent mushrooms from appearing or to treat them so that they do not cause havoc in your garden is to hire qualified lawn maintenance professionals. Vertdure is the leader in green space treatment and our network covers all of Quebec!