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Wednesday, 30 March 2022
How can frost affect my lawn?

How can frost affect my lawn?

Lawn care can be complex and time-consuming, but you can have great-looking grass in no time with a bit of patience. Frost is the most common during winter and it occurs when the temperature drops below freezing, causing water in the grass and soil to freeze. However, frost can be beneficial to your lawn as it helps to prevent some diseases.

Although frost often causes damage, there are ways to reduce its effect on your lawn during cold weather. In this article, we tell you how frost can affect your lawn and what to do to prevent it!

What causes frost on grass?

Frost is a thin layer of ice that can form on the ground or other surfaces when the temperature gets below 0 °C. The ideal temperature for lawns is between 15.5 °C and 21 °C. Frost forms on grass and other plants when water vapor from the air condenses on the leaves and stems.

Since plant tissue is porous, water can also freeze inside cells, causing other damage to the plant's tissue. Spring is a great time to start thinking about frosted grass prevention. Grass is especially susceptible to frost because it’s short and therefore loses heat quickly. A layer of frost will usually not kill grass, but it will weaken it, making it more susceptible to weed infestation and disease.


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What kind of damage should I expect from frost?

The kind of damage you should expect from frost depends on the climate, location, and type of grass you have on your lawn. The damage is most often superficial and the grass blades tend to turn brown.

This dead tissue will fall away and expose healthy green tissue beneath it, but sometimes it remains and becomes unsightly as new growth starts in the spring. Frost damage may also kill a plant or grass. This is usually called "frost crack" or "sunscald" when it occurs on trees that are still dormant but starting to generate some growth in preparation for spring.


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Why does frost damage my lawn?

It turns out that the frost damage process is somewhat complex. When water freezes, it expands, which  means it takes up more space than it did as a liquid. If the water in the grass blades freezes, it will push against cell walls, causing them to burst. The burst cells release enzymes that then destroy the plant's chlorophyll, turning it brown. This is what we see on our lawns during winter. 


Lawn care services


How can frost affect my lawn?

Frost affects lawns in various ways:

  • Frost can damage your plants?
  • Grass may turn brown?
  • It can ruin your soil structure?
  • It can kill your plants?
  • Frost can damage grass seedlings?

Frost can damage your plants

The plant cells in the stems and petals of your plants will expand and burst when water freezes inside them, causing permanent damage.

Grass may turn brown

If you have ever seen brown grass blades, you know what frost damage looks like. As water freezes, it expands and pushes itself out of the grass blades. When temperatures drop below freezing, the water in your grass blades will start to freeze. This prevents water from flowing through the cells in your grass blades, which causes dehydration within the plant. Your grass will become limp and yellowish-brown in color.

It can ruin your soil structure

Frost heaving occurs when the freezing and thawing of soil causes it to contract and expand, disrupting its structure. This can lead to dead patches in your lawn and cause you to have to re-seed or re-sod the area.

It can kill your plants

Frost can permanently damage or kill your plants if the temperature gets too low for too long.

Frost can damage grass seedlings

Frost can damage grass seedlings and young plants. Because they haven't had time to develop robust root systems, frost can kill grass blades. This is especially problematic for new lawns because they are more likely to contain seeds and young plants than older ones.

Frost damage differs from one type of turf grass to another. Some grasses are designed for colder climates, such as Kentucky bluegrass which is the most common type of grass in Quebec for this reason. Kentucky bluegrass supports freezing temperatures better than warm-season grasses like Bermuda grass or zoysia grass because they don't produce as much sugar during photosynthesis which helps protect them from freezing temperatures.


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Why should you avoid walking on frozen grass?

If you walk on frozen grass, you can further damage your grass. Walking on frozen grass will ultimately break the grass blade whose water particles are frozen. Plus, wet grass can quickly become muddy patches showing no signs of life.


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What to do to prevent frost damage

Although it's impossible to prevent frost damage completely, there are ways to minimize the risk:

  1. Keep an eye on the forecast?
  2. Plant perennials?
  3. Cover certain plants?
  4. Install windbreakers?

1. Keep an eye on the forecast

Frost is more likely to occur on calm, clear nights following a cold day. When the weather forecast calls for a frost, take steps to prevent it. You can expect the first frost to appear by the end of September and October. If you know that a cold front is coming in, you can protect your plants by covering them with burlap, sheets, or old blankets. These materials will shield your plants from the cold temperature and help keep the warm air around them.

2. Plant Perennials

Annuals must be replanted every year, but perennials will return for several years if they’ve firmly made their roots. A layer of mulch will protect your plants from frost and also help to keep weeds under control during the upcoming growing season. Make sure to select plants and trees that have the appropriate zoning for your area.

3. Cover certain plants

You can use sheets, blankets, or even old towels to cover vulnerable plants during a cold spring snap or a late fall frost. Just make sure that the coverage reaches the ground so that there aren't any gaps where chilly air can get in.

The most effective method to protect plants from frost damage is to cover them with plastic when temperatures are predicted to drop below freezing. You can use plastic bags or sheets of plastic, but make sure the plastic covers the entire plant. You can also use sticks to create a parameter around the plant or tree you are covering.

You can also use row covers as an alternative to plastic. Row covers are made of various materials and come in different weights, so they provide varying levels of protection against freezing temperatures. Row covers are beneficial for protecting small plants because they are easy to place, and they can be held securely in place with rocks or sticks if necessary.

4. Instal windbreaks

Windbreaks like fences or hedges can offer protection by slowing down wind speed near your plants and preventing cold air from settling around them for long periods. However, windbreaks only protect plants on one side, so you may need to install more than one windbreak if you have plants that could be affected by wind.


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